NOIMA in Bruxelles
În perioada 11 octombrie – 23 noiembrie 2016 reprezentanţa germană de stat Baden-Württemberg la Bruxelles, găzduieşte expoziția proiectelor artistice independente „Projektraum Donau”, inițiat și coordonat de Dr. Swantje Volkmann, referent cultural pentru sud-estul Europei la Muzeului Central al Şvabilor Dunăreni din Ulm.
Fundaţia Interart Triade din Timişoara reprezentată de către doamna Sorina Jecza, Centrul Cultural German din Timişoara şi Grupul NOIMA din Timişoara format din pictorii Sorin Scurtulescu, Andrei Rosetti, Ciprian Bodea, Cosmin Frunteș, Dan Gherman va reprezenta România.
Proiectele artistice independente cunoscute în spațiul german sub numele de „Projekträume” sunt un mijloc dovedit de interconectare între artiști, de schimb de experiență și de prezentare a artelor plastice. Aceste spații-proiect sunt folosite pentru expoziții, ateliere și spectacole artistice individuale, având ca punct de pornire dorința artiștilor de a-și prezenta lucrările altor artiști.
Din valorile Europei au făcut parte dintotdeauna diversitatea culturilor care o compun, precum și varietatea limbilor vorbite, iar exact această diversitate a spațiului dunărean, în special bogăția artistică a regiunii, este cea care stă la baza acestui proiect.
Organizatori: Dr. Swantje Volkmann, referent cultural pentru sud-estul Europei la Muzeului Central al Şvabilor Dunăreni din Ulm; Ministerul pentru Știință, Cercetare și Artă Baden Württemberg; Donau.Büro Ulm/Neu-Ulm.
Grupul NOIMA, Timişoara
V8 Plattform, Karlsruhe
Friday Exit, Vienna
Atelier Kafeto, Sofia
Approach Art Association, Pécs
Zvono Projects, Belgrad
NOIMA in Brussels
Project Space Danube
The project is a collaboration of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg, the Cultural Affairs Consultant for South-East Europe at the Danube Swabian Museum in Ulm and is supported by the Danube Office Ulm / Neu-Ulm and the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Stuttgart.
The period of collaboration began with the exhibition series “The Human – The River”, which was successfully shown in all Danube countries after the opening exhibition in Baden-Württemberg. The well-received finissage was held at Baden-Württemberg’s State Representation in Brussels.
Project Space Danube began in February 2015. Following the successful completion of the project, a travelling exhibition has been created which includes 53 artworks by 39 artists from six countries along the Danube. Shown are both two and three dimensional works. The illustrations range from pictures, collages to classical figurative paintings. Outstanding are also the works presented in the field of video art. Art can be experienced in this exhibition in many ways. Materials range from oil and acrylic to combinations of panel painting with elements such as cardboard, paper or plastic by alienating and combining them to a new whole.
Art is not only a way of communication but also the diverse cultural heritage of humanity. The variety of cultures and the wealth of languages has been always part of Europe’s values. The diversity of the Danube Region and in particular the artistic wealth of the region are here in focus.
2.850 kilometres in length, the Danube is a European river as the former Austrian Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek said, “one of the prerequisites for a European river is that we really do know each other”.
„Project Spaces“ are used for exhibitions, workshops and individual performance. Within one year “Project Spaces“ were used by the Danube countries to take part in an exchange of experiences serving as multipliers which convey the new findings to their respective home countries. By thus, existing networks shall be strengthened and enlarged as well as latest developments in arts presented to a larger audience.
„Project Spaces“ from Karlsruhe, Vienna, Pécs, Osijek, Belgrade, Timişoara and Sofia are taking part in this artistic initiative.
Grupul NOIMA, Timişoara
V8 Plattform, Karlsruhe
Friday Exit, Vienna
Atelier Kafeto, Sofia
Approach Art Association, Pécs
Zvono Projects, Belgrad
NOIMA Group was founded in 2003 and has the following active members: Sorin Scurtulescu, Andrei Rosetti, Ciprian Bodea, Dan Gherman, Cosmin Frunteş.
The exhibition will be shown at Baden-Württemberg’s State Representation in Brussels from 11 October until 23 November 2016.