Goia Radu Ioan

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Date of birth: 27.09.1980


–    Graduate of Music and Plastic Arts Highschool in Alba Iulia

–    Bachelor of Art in Mural Painting, Restauration and Conservation, Faculy of Arts and Design of Cluj-Napoca

Professional activity

–    Exhibition in Cluj-Napoca

–    Apprentice in Italy

–    Mural works on big dimensions, executed in the Lazio-Rome region, Italy (2004-2005)

–    Participation to exhibitions and experimental works in Turin

–    Exhibitions and mural painting in Gijon-Spain (2007-2008)

–    Participation to a series of cultural and artistic events in Denmark

–    Participation to  painting exhibitions and camps in Romania and France

–    Participation to national and international  group exhibitions

–    Organizer of the National Painting camp entitled Agony and Ecstasy in Roșia Montană/Agonie și Extaz la Roșia Montană  held in Arieșeni, 2013 and 2014

–    Organizer of the national and international painting camps entitled Transfigurations/Transfigurări held in Sălciua,  2014 and 2015

–    Exhibition In the hands of compassion/ În mâinile compasiunii held in Cluj-Napoca, 2016

–    Exhibition In the hands of compassion, consacrarea held in Sibiu, 2016

–    Exhibition Bio Ortoclinic held in Bucharest, 2017

–    Art decorations, amusament parcks design experiance and mural paintings in Germany, France and Czech Republic, 2017

–    Participation to national art camps (2016-2018)

–    Exhibition Flowers Rhapsody held in Denmark, 2018