Orient + Occident = globalizarea în arta chineză contemporană
Personal îmi imaginam curentele plastice din trecut, de pâna la mijlocul secolului XX să zicem – ca niște filoane șerpuite prin stânca aridă a banalului de zi cu zi. O luai pe firul expresionist și erai ghidat prin Germania și Europa Centrală într-o călătorie colorată și dătătoare de plăceri vizuale și spirituale. Mergeai pe firul impresionist și tot așa. Azi nu mai vorbim despre trasee spațio – temporale (de)limitate ci despre o mare baltă globală. Am vrut să-i spun ocean prima dată dar a primat senzația de stătut și confuzia pe care ți-o poate crea similitidinea dintre concepția plastică a unui român, chinez, argentinian sau egiptean. Totul e la fel, ca o structură neosificată, ținută în picioare de o piele cusută pe la încheieturi de o rețea curatorială și de galerii aproape la fel de amorfă. Și exemplific paragraful de mai sus cu lucrările care sunt expuse în perioada asta la Beijing, în superba Zonă 798 în care sper sa revin cândva. (Mihai Constantin)
展览名称:’欢迎、欢迎’ 罗氏兄弟个展
Roche Brothers solo show details
Exhibition: ‘Welcome, welcome to’ Roche Brothers Exhibition
Artists: Roche Brothers
Curator: Lo Tsuen
Show Time: September 28, 2014 – October the 18th
Opening Reception: at 15:00 on September 28th, 2014
Venue: Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Art District, 798 Third Street Ceramics
Organizers: Young International Art Center
作为以“借助西方消费文化,召唤或沉渣泛起的农民式暴发趣味和现实”为特征的艳俗艺术家的代表,罗氏兄弟广受国际社会肯定的《欢迎世界名牌》(《Welcome, Welcome》)系列创作周期长达十余年,伴随着巨大的中国社会商业化变革,与整个时代大背景共荣共省。他们使用可口可乐(Coca Cola)和百事可乐(Pepsi)瓶,肯德基(KFC)和麦当劳(McDonald’s)的汉堡和薯条,Pizza Hut,索尼CD机等充斥中国人生活方方面面的西方商业品牌和流行文化产品,与源自中国年画的猪,鱼,胖娃娃等中国传统吉祥符号矛盾又和谐地共容一席,将一墙之隔的趣味与恶俗把玩得微妙而又淋漓。他们的作品洋溢着明媚坦荡的喜气洋洋,而在这片罗氏兄弟营造的喜气洋洋里,有人仅仅看见俗与土,有人却看见了背后的深意:资本主义强大的适应力以及当代中国社会的真实进程。罗氏兄弟作品不可回避的争议性,恰恰正是其鲜明尖锐的作品风格的佐证。
罗氏兄弟作品中的挑战性与颠覆性,首先被西方先进文化体系接纳认可,罗氏兄弟被看作当代中国艺术界最为敏锐果敢,富有创作力的艺术家之一而受到瞩目。 2005年,罗氏兄弟设计的海报“欢迎(Welcome)”入选了2006年德国足球世界杯官方艺术海报,留着茶壶盖头的中国年画娃娃骑着中国舞狮,手托 “福”字环绕的足球,一团喜气地带着满身中国味道跃入国际视野,成为中国文化与国际文化,商业文化结合的典范。令德国世界杯主办方为之倾倒的喜庆吉祥,是中国式的,也是罗氏兄弟式的。罗氏兄弟用自己的独特的艺术语言,综合了五十余年中国社会经济生活以及审美倾向的演变,艺术化的记录了中国历史的进程,其作品也因而具有了长久的艺术价值。
Roche Brothers is China’s first contact with the West and has been widely praised by Western art of Chinese contemporary artists, contemporary art is unique in China, is the representative of the so-called Gaudy Art or flashy art. They exhibited footprints all over the world, France, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Switzerland and so on. Roche Brothers is now working and living in Beijing.
As a “With Western consumer culture, call or rampant outbreaks of peasant-style fun and realistic” features the artist’s representatives gaudy, Roche Brothers widely by the international community’s recognition of the “Welcome to the world famous” (“Welcome, Welcome”) series creative cycle more than a decade, accompanied by huge commercial transformation of Chinese society, and prosperity to the entire background of the era province. They use Coca-Cola (Coca Cola) and PepsiCo (Pepsi) bottles, KFC (KFC) and McDonald’s (McDonald’s) burgers and fries, Pizza Hut, Sony CD player and other aspects of Chinese life full of Western business brand and popular culture products, and from the Chinese New Year in Chinese traditional auspicious symbol contradiction pigs, fish, fat dolls and harmony total capacity seats, separated by a wall of fun with the vulgar to play subtle and dripping. Their works filled with bright beaming magnanimous, and in this piece to create a beaming Roche Brothers, someone just saw the vulgar and soil, but others saw the profound meaning behind it: capitalism strong resilience and true process of contemporary Chinese society. Roche Brothers unavoidable controversial works, it is precisely its distinctive style of sharp works corroboration.
Roche Brothers with a whitewash and praises posters tactics socialist period, but it is China reflects the commercialization process of two decades of real and complex social mentality. Under the cloak of flashy exaggerated, full of sincerity. They actively try to use a variety of artistic painting, painting, ink painting, sculpture and other techniques, is particularly worth mentioning is that they will be introducing contemporary art of traditional lacquer craft, material characteristics of lacquer to make the picture smooth and shiny, echoed Roche Brothers works to reflect the glitz World Wind, overly bright colorful led the artist tries to express the intense irony. Roche Brothers pioneering improvement of this folk art painting technique, but also the constituent elements of its distinctive alternative work style.
Roche Brothers challenging work and subversive, was first advanced Western culture system to accept recognition, Roche Brothers is seen as the most sensitive and courageous contemporary Chinese art world, one full of creative artists and attracting attention. 2005, Roche Brothers poster design “Welcome (Welcome)” was named to the 2006 football World Cup in Germany, the official art posters, keep teapot hijab Chinese New Year doll riding a Chinese lion dance, Satisfy “Fu” surrounded by soccer, a Mission festivity ground covered with a Chinese flavor leap into the international perspective, China’s culture and international culture, business culture combined with the model. Order of the German World Cup organizers were charmed auspiciousness, Chinese style, but also the Roche Brothers style. Roche Brothers with their own unique artistic language, a combination of more than fifty years and the evolution of China’s social and economic life of aesthetic tendencies, the Chinese art of recording the course of history, whose works are thus has a long-standing artistic value.
罗卫东 1962 生于广西南宁 1983年就读于广西艺术学院
罗卫国 1964 生于广西南宁 1983年就读于广州美术学院、广轻艺术设计学院
罗卫兵 1972 生于广西南宁 1995年就读于于中央工艺美术学院
1996 “浮华的伤害”个展 北京艺术博物馆 北京
1999 罗氏兄弟画展 艺术与公共画廊 日内瓦 瑞士
2001 罗氏兄弟漆画展 精艺轩 香港 2002 罗氏兄弟画展 Loft画廊 巴黎 法国
罗氏兄弟画展 Ray Hughes画廊 悉尼 澳大利亚
2004 罗氏兄弟画展 精艺轩 香港 2005 设计海报<<欢迎>>入选
罗氏兄弟画展 佛罗伦厦 意大利
2006 罗氏兄弟画展 纽约 美国
2007 罗氏兄弟画展 Dolores de Sierra 画廊 西班牙、
2008 罗氏兄弟画展 程忻东国际艺术空间 北京
2011 “欢迎”个展 杨国际艺术中心,北京 中国
2014 《欢迎欢迎》罗氏兄弟个展 杨国际艺术中心北京798
—–段军 《回顾罗氏兄弟作品》
—–粟宪庭《浮华的伤害 罗氏兄弟作品》
丹佛美术馆 福冈美术馆 旧金山现代艺术馆 卡地亚艺术基金会 新南威尔美术馆 梁洁华艺术基金会 尤伦斯夫妇 希克先生 罗根先生
Roche Brothers
Luo Weidong was born in 1962 in Nanning, Guangxi in 1983 studied at Guangxi Arts Institute
Luo Weiguo 1964 Born in 1983 in Nanning, Guangxi studied at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, School of Art and Design wide light
Luo Weibing 1972 Born in 1995 in Nanning, Guangxi studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Solo Exhibitions
1996 “flashy injury” Solo Exhibition Beijing Art Museum Beijing
1999 Roche Brothers exhibitions and public art gallery in Geneva, Switzerland
2001 Roche Brothers Paint Exhibition Beatus Hong Kong 2002 Roche Brothers Loft gallery exhibition in Paris, France
Roche Brothers Exhibition Ray Hughes Gallery Sydney, Australia
2004 Roche Brothers exhibition poster design Beatus Hong Kong 2005 >> << welcome inclusion
2006 Football World Cup in Germany
Roche Brothers exhibition Florens Ha Italy
2006 Roche Brothers of New York exhibition
2007 Roche Brothers exhibition Dolores de Sierra Gallery Spain,
2008 Roche Brothers Space Beijing International Art Exhibition Cheng Xindong
2011 “Welcome” Young International Art Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
2014 “Welcome Welcome” Roche Brothers Young International Art Exhibition Center Beijing 798
“In the Chinese contemporary art kaleidoscope, Roche Brothers work is obviously very bright and splendid scenery.”
—- Zhaohui “Roche Brothers art: witness and participate in contemporary history.”
“…… Roche Brothers, by entering the ranks of successful career Gaudy Art discuss their works naturally can not leave gaudy. Now appears that although Roche Brothers are not gaudy artists from beginning to end, but they will Kitsch to maximize the brilliant work enough, vulgar enough, …… ”
—– Segment Army “back Guluo Shi brothers work”
“Roche Brothers beaming works, and you do not feel a false prosperity, perhaps because they are his characters and animals have a kind of integrity feature of it.”
—— Huang Liaoyuan “Roche Brothers works impression”
“(Roche Brothers) with their good traditional painting techniques, to make the picture more smooth, bright, gorgeous a little funny. Such overly bright and beautiful, is this an enhanced irony, that exaggerate the consumerization formed flashy World Wind, …… ”
—– Millet Xianting “flashy hurt Roche Brothers work”
Public Collections:
Denver Art Museum, Fukuoka Art Museum, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Cartier Foundation for the Arts Gallery of New South Wales Annie Wong Art Foundation couple Mr. Hick Mr. Luo Gen Ullens