Ovidiu Lebejoară la World Wide Art – Los Angeles

-Beauty NightmareOvidiu Lebejoară:
Voi participa in Octombrie 16-19 la aceasta mare Expozitie de Arta Contemporana Internationala din Down Town  Convention Center –  World Wide Art – Los Angeles, una dintre cele mai mari expozitii din lume, la  pavinionul:

Social Equality Through Art

Voi participa (auto reprezint) cu o singura lucrare:

tema din lucrarea mea:

problema frumosului in lumea contemporana;
frumosul e urit – uritul e frumos… in viziunea liberala

Beauty’s Nightmare

oil on canvas 48”/36”
by Ovidiu Lebejoara

This painting depicts the difference between classical and contemporary concepts about beauty. In classical society, art, culture, and beauty were traditional and real. They were based on order, harmony, rhythm, balance, symmetry, and common sense. The prototype of beauty was selected, admired and sometime even worshiped by everyone from all communities. But today’s standard of beauty is conventional, commercial, kitsch and artificial. This is exemplified in the following statement from Dr. Zina D : “my daughter is not beautiful, but she will be beautiful because I want her to be beautiful.” This statement shows us the difference between truth and reality.
Each of us can have our own perception or understanding of beauty. After all beauty is in the eye of the beholders. The true definition of beauty is subjective even it’s uniqueness of beauty is objective, and it is a concrete concept.
Liberalism gave us a perverted concept of beauty, and a limited access to reality. If the beauty is described like it is depicted in modern movements like: Dada, Cubism, Expressionism, Expressionism-Abstract, Minimalism, Hippie, Punk, Rap, Kitsch, etc., WHERE IS THE UGLY? If the viewer accepts the modern concept about beauty, how can they distinguish between ugly and beauty? If this sounds absurd, then absurdity becomes the norm in Liberalism. At the beginning of 20th century; Dada’s, liberals reversed the values of Classicism. From unique, to everybody has the right to be beautiful or talented.
Both are gifts, we are born individually with these gifts.
This Relativism characteristic of Modernism, especially at beginning of the 20th century, seems to be more political than aesthetically. Where life is GRAY and FUZZY, and there is no difference between white and black or beauty and ugly. Can this be called manipulation of our conscience? Does this have something to do with perverted art and culture or with God and nature?expo

Aceasta pictura descrie frumosul inteles si exprimat  diferit in conceptele clasic si modern. In societetea clasica, arta, cultura si ideea despre frumos erau traditionale, reale. Ele erau bazate pe ordine, armonie, rithm, echilibru, simertie si bun simtz. Prototipul considerat frumos era selectionat, admirat si uneori chiar adulat de toti membrii comunitatii. Astazi statandul de frumos este conventional, de prost gust, artificial, citeodata chiar trivial. Toate acestea se exemplifica prin fraza exprimata de exemplu de Dr, Zina D : “fica mea nu este frumoasa, dar va fi, pentru ca eu vreau ca ea sa fie frumoasa”. Opinia ei ne arata diferenta dintre adevar si realitate.
Toti dintre noi avem propria intelegere si perceptie a frumosului. Totul este imaginat in mintea noastra. O definitie reala a frumosului este subjectiva, cu toate ca fromosul este obiectiv si conceret.
Liberalismul ne da un concept deformat al frumosului si un acces limitât la intelelegerea lui. Daca frumosul este descris cum e prezentat de curentele artistice ca: Dada, Cubism, Expresionism, Espresionism-Abstract, Minimalism, Hippie, Rap, Kitsch, etc., UNDE SE AFLA URITUL? Daca privitorul acepta conceptul modern despre frumos, cum distinge diferenta dintre frumos si urit? Pare absurd, dar si cultul absurdul a fost promovat de modernism, de liberalism. La inceputul secolului XX, Dadaismul si Liberalismu au inversat valorile clasicismului. De la unic, la fiecare are dreptul sa fie frumos si talentat.
Un nonsens.
Ambele sunt daruri cu care ne nastem.
Relativismul caracteristic Modernismului special la inceputul secolului XX, pare mai mult politic decit extetic, unde viata este GRI si INCETOSATA, si nu este diferenta intre alb si negru sau urit si frumos. Sa fie asta manipularea constintei noastre? Are acest lucru ceva in comun cu cultura si arta contemporana pervertita sau cu natura si Dumnezeu?