Lea Rasovszky – Nocturnal Tropikana performing glass painting at Allegra Nomad Gallery
Lea Rasovszky – Nocturnal Tropikana
performing glass painting at Allegra Nomad Gallery
Opening: May 12, 2014, starting with 4 pm till 9 pm.
Visiting Hours: M – Fr: 10.00 – 18.00. Sa: – by appointement.
Allegra Nomad Gallery, Str. Băiculești 29, Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Sala Tipografia
Public transport: BUS 112, 149, 331, 331bis
“Nocturnal Tropikana takes time. Your eyes need to let go of light and your senses need to adjust to the scented darkness and metallic flora. I have barely entered and I’m still picking wild seeds from my hair and peeling off layers of unknown vegetation. I seem to want to get lost and to see what happens where everything mostly hides and where guides are scarce, but you realize that they are not needed anyway.” (Lea Rasovszky, 2014)
Nocturnal Tropikana
is part of
Shortsighted. Presbyopic. Blindfolded
May 9-25, 2014.
Coordination: Allegra Nomad Gallery
Artists: Alexandru Ciubotariu / Pisica Pătrată, Sandra Mavhima, Lea Rasovzsky, Ana Maria Micu, Mihail Coșulețu, Claudiu Cobilanschi, Ciprian Ariciu, Simona Deaconescu, Vlad Nancă
Curator: Igor Mocanu
The space of the hall is turned into a rupturing forum by placing a wooden structure with a platform and benches for the visitors. The platform is cut into two symmetrical half-spaces that aim to re-stage two dimensions of the contemporary arts field: art which is accompanied by an explicatory discourse or with a shape owing to verbal conceptualisation; and art with a non-verbal and primarily material discourse. On the one side are artists who, generically speaking, sit and paint on an easel, but they can practice any other classical form of art (sculpture, drawing, object installation, photography), on the other, artist who explain their works, conceptualising (performance, speech, dance, happening). On the one hand are visual arts, and of the other, performative arts. The audience is urged to assist and turn into an art critic and make critical judgements.
[Scheduled performances]
12/05, 4 pm – 9 pm:
4 pm: Lea Rasovzsky (Pavilion 1): Nocturnal Tropikana, glass painting.
4 pm: Alexandru Ciubotariu / Pisica Pătrată (Pavilion 1): Self-portraits, painting.
4 pm: Mihail Coșulețu (Pavilion 1): Building site, painting.
Ana Maria Micu (Pavilion 1): Image installation, site specific installation, reenactement, painting, photographs, M – Su: 10.00 – 18.00.
Future featurings: Claudiu Cobilanschi, Ciprian Ariciu, Simona Deaconescu, Vlad Nancă
[Call for future participation]
Shortsighted. Presbyopic. Blindfolded is a dynamic critical platform creating a neutral space for the release of tension triggered by the clashing forms of art coming together: on the one hand, forms of art directly and unmediatedly sharing its content and practice with the audience, and on the other visual art that can only express its content in mediated forms, by verbal discourse or other inevitably performative forms of expression. It therefore comes as a call for future collaborations and questioning of art expression. Allegra Nomad Gallery is looking for straight, prompt, inconvenient proposals that – in brief – are attractive and intellectually stimulating. Find below our e-mail and/ or Facebook contacts.
[Gallery description]
Allegra Nomad Gallery (founded in 2012) does not belong to a particular architectural or geographical space and is always in search of new forms of dialogue with the already existent exhibition spaces for contemporary art and not only, forwarding its efforts towards the offering of support and promotion for the gallery artists. The gallery conceived and organized several exhibitions in Bucharest and Vienna to present the artists: Philippa von Bastha, Horia Mina, Paul Neagu, Sorin Dumitrescu, Nikolai Ghika, Carla Damian and Dario Carratta.