Lansare de carte si expozitie. Arhitectura emotionala, vol. 4 @ Victoria Art Center
Lansare de carte si expozitie. Arhitectura emotionala, vol. 4
Marti 25 februarie 2014, 19.00
Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C
Călin Dan lanseaza al patrulea volum al seriei Emotional Architecture (Arhitectura Emotionala), in ambianta unei video instalatii proiectate special pentru acest eveniment. Arhitectura Emotionala este un proiect care investigheaza relatia dintre oameni si locuire. Lansarea va fi prefatata de o discutie intre artist si scriitorul Bogdan Ghiu. Cu aceasta ocazie, Călin Dan va introduce noul sau proiect “Autorul colectiv. Istorii private ale Arhitecturii Publice.”
Evenimentul are loc in prezenta Excelentei sale Matthijs van Bonzel, ambasador al Regatului Olandei in Romania.
Organizatori: Ambasada Regatului Olandei in Romania si Victoria Art Center. Partener: MNACLab
In perioada februarie-martie 2008, Călin Dan a investigat functionarea institutionala, sociala si architectonica a Ministerului locuirii, planificarii teritoriale si administrarii ambientale (Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer – pe scurt MinVROM), de la Haga. Cercetarea era motivata de mai vechea preocupare a artistului pentru relatia dintre puterea politica si architectura, combinata cu fascinatia pentru complexul program al cladirii realizate in perioada 1986-1992 dupa desenele arhitectului Jan Hoogstad. Cercetarea a fost sprijinita fianciar de catre centrul de arta si arhitectura Stroom si a fost facilitata de catre structurile ministerului.
Timp de doua luni, Călin Dan a lucrat ca “stagiar” la MinVROM, avand acces la toate facilitatile tehnice si logistice, si comunicand cu ceilalti angajati in cadrul a numeroase evenimente sociale si profesionale. Accesul sau la sedinte administrative, intalniri de lucru, receptii, precum si la toate spatile giganticei cladiri – era nelimitat. Din aceste intalniri cu architectura ministerului si cu oamenii care se foloseau de ea a rezultat un numar mare de fotografii si note, care au devenit elementele constitutive ale unei carti ce oglindeste modalitatile complexe prin care institutiile isi construiesc imaginea publica. Mai mult decat atat, Emotional Architecture 4 e jurnalul unei relatii constant renegociate intre artist si institutia care face obiectul analizei sale.
Nasterea si viata cladirii MinVROM nu e una banala. Proiectat ca un manifest al guvernarii transparente si sustenabile, impresionantul obiect architectural a fost supus constant unor critici punctuale de catre utilizatori. In acelasi timp insa, a devenit foarte repede relicva simbolica a unei perioade istorice cand politicienii isi cautau validarea proiectand o imagine publica incarcata de idealuri. Pe cand cladirea MinVROM era inca in constructie, s-a luat decizia ca pe viitor institutiile guvernamentale sa nu mai initieze proiecte arhitecturale, ramanand sa isi aleaga sediile din oferta pietei imobiliare. Proiectata la sfarsitul razboiului rece, inaugurata in scurta perioada de euforie de la inceputul anilor 90, cladirea MinVROM building ofera o rara oportunitate de a intelege mecanismele productiei de imagine publica prin architectura oficiala, si de a compara acest tip de abordare cu strategiile de tip corporatist adoptate de clasa politica sub presiunea globalizarii. Intre timp, in contextul crizei globale inaugurate in 2008, MinVROM a fost desfiintat si functiile sale au fost redistribuite altor organisme guvernamentale. Cladirea asteapta inca sa i se gaseasca alte functii.
Călin Dan, Emotional Architecture 4, Jap Sam Books, 2013
Text de Judit Angel; imagini de Călin Dan; layout Arnold Estefan. Cu o conversatie intre artist si Adela Marcu.
Contact: Călin Dan (,,
Book launch and exhibition. Emotional Architecture 4
Tuesday February 25th 2014, 19h00
Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C
Călin Dan launches the 4th volume of the series Emotional Architecture, in a video installation especially designed for the event. Emotional Architecture is a project that investigates the relation between people and their habitat. The launching will be followed by a talk between the writer Bogdan Ghiu and the artist. On this occasion, the author will introduce his new project “Collective Authorship. Private Histories of Public Architecture.”
In the presence of the His Excellency Matthijs van Bonzel, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Nederlands in Romania.
Event organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Nederlands in Romania and Victoria Art Center. Partner: MNACLab
In the period February-March 2008 Călin Dan performed a research on the institutional, social and architectural functioning of the building of the Ministry VROM (Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer – Ministry of Habitat, Territorial Systematization, and Environmental Management), in Den Haag / The Hague. The research was motivated by his long term interest in the relation between political power and architecture, combined with a fascination with the intrinsic design qualities of the building realized after the design of Jan Hoogstad in the period 1986-1992. The research unfolded with the support of Stroom Den Haag (who acted also as a financial sponsor), and of the Ministry’s hierarchic structures.
The book:
For two months Călin Dan was a full time ”intern” at the Ministry, working from a desk with access to intranet facilities, sharing the cantina food, mingling with the employees in numerous social events. For the research purposes, he has been granted unlimited access to professional meetings, debates, think tank activities, as well as to all spaces of the building. The encounters with the architecture and the people using it resulted in a large number of photos and notes that became the building blocks of a book reflecting on the complex ways through which institutions project their public image. Next to this, Emotional Architecture 4 is the diary of a constantly re-negotiated relation between the artist and the institution he brings under scrutiny.
The building:
The birth and consequent life of the MinVROM building is not a trivial one. Designed as a manifesto for transparent and sustainable governance, the architectural object met from the beginning till today sharp – even if punctual criticism from its users. Meanwhile, it became very quickly a pious relic to an era when the political agents still wanted a public profile charged with ideals. While the MinVROM building was still under construction, a decision was made that government instances will give up their position as initiators of architectural projects, and will choose their new venues from the offer of the real estate market. Designed at the end of the Cold War, inaugurated in the short period of euphoria from the beginning of the 90s, the MinVROM building is a unique opportunity to understand the mechanisms of image creation through representational architecture, and to compare that with the new corporate strategies adopted by governments under the pressure of globalization. Meanwhile, in the context of the global downturn inaugurated in 2008, Min VROM was dismantled and its functions redistributed to other government bodies. The building waits now to be filled with new functions.
Călin Dan, Emotional Architecture 4, Jap Sam Books, 2013
Text by Judit Angel; images by Călin Dan; layout Arnold Estefan. With a conversation between the artist and Adela Marcu.