Lebejoara Ovidiu

The Ancient Future  Art in general is suppose to be a sum of ideas based on human emotions and state of mind. It was the idea at the beginning…  Art is opposite to NOTHING. In the Universe, nothing does not exist. This nothing (nihil) is a conventional false value, the same like money. Both have been cultivated In human mind, special in modern era, both very effective tools of oppression.
For the modern man, philosophy is religion and art is an attempt to express a mystery, which who do not have to call the truth. Selfish humans replaced faith in God with faith in them-self : “God is in Heaven, and I am God on the Earth” (Joseph Stalin). There is, in modern art an element of protest transformed in a period of transition. Transition to what? Some of us would say that we are going somewhere, not that we are going from bad to worse. The extreme forms of Dada movement, which was a declaration of spiritual bankruptcy at the beginning of World War I, and worse followed: World war II and so on… Dada made cynicism, anarchy, and rebellion into core values.
“Today, the subject of art seems to have suffered a decisive alteration, or looks to be as it is disappearing. The art still talks around us, often with a firm decision of talking about nothing”. (Gaetan Picon).
So, looks like the modernism is building a monument to God NIHIL.
Our world is rich and diverse in form of art, culture and colors. Why reduce art to a cold abstract, nihilistic, deformed and monochrome? If religion unites people, modern art isolates them.
“The third millennium will be religious, or won’t be at all” – Andre Malraux.
Who is Who and What is What  In general arta ar trebui sa fie o acumulare de idei bazata pe emotiile si starea de spirit a omului. La inceput a fost ideia… Arta este opusa NIMICULUI. In Univers nu exista nimic. Acest nimic (nihil), este o valoare falsa la fel ca si banul. Amindoua au fost si sint cultivate in mintea umana, in special in era moderna, amindoua foarte eficace instrumente de opresie. Arta ar trebui sa ne inalte spiritele nu sa le doboare, infringa sau intineze.
Pentru omul modern, filozofia este religia lui, iar arta este o incercare de exprimare a misterului, imaginar departe de realitate. Egoismul din omul modern a inlocuit credinta in Dumnezeu cu credinta narcisista in el insusi: “Dumnezeu este in ceruri, iar EU sint Dumnezeu pe pamint” – Joseph Stalin. In arta moderna exista un element de protest transformat intr-o perioada de tranzictie. Tranzitie spre ce? Unii spun ca mergem spre ceva, nu ca mergem din rau in mai rau. Extremismul miscarii Dada, care a fost de fapt o declaratie a falimentului spiritual al omului la inceputul primului razboi mondial, a netezit calea spre al doilea razboi mondial…Dada a facut cinismul, anarhismul, si radicalismul revulutionar, nucleu de valori.
“Astazi, subiecul artistic a suferit o alteratie decisiva, el pare sa dispara. Arta inca se face auzita imprejurul nostru, ferm, doar vorbind despre nimic.”-Gaetan Picon.
Se pare ca modernismul este de fapt o construtie monumentala, un templu pentru Zeul NIHIL.
Lumea noastra este bogata in forme diverse de arta si cultura. De ce s-o reducem la un abstract nihilist, si monocrom deformat ? Daca religia uneste oamenii, arta moderna ii izoleaza.
“Al treilea mileniu va fi religis, sau nu va fi deloc” – Andre Malraux

Ovidiu Lebejoara

The Game of Life
I was born in Romania on December 14, 1952, in Ciupa, a small city one hundred miles north of Bucharest. When I was three years old, my parents moved to Bucharest where I lived until August 1986. I came to America by myself,as a refugee from Communist Romania.
When I was thirteen, together with a friend, I painted in oil a copy of “The Death of 10,000 Thebans” or “St. Morris” by El Greco. Then I studied art in Bucharest. When I came to Los Angeles, I studied art again at Otis/Parsons and eventually I graduated from Syracuse University with a MA in illustration. I studied illustration because I considered “fine art” not “fine” anymore for me. I had nothing to learn from so-called modern art. I feel that this modern art does not help a human to become a better human being. On the contrary, it creates confusion and a dangerous, abstract, artificial way to understand reality, excluding the essential term of beauty from art. So I studied the old masters in order to understand their way of expressing their feelings, to learn their language of art and their approach and understanding of beauty.

I have read also thousands of books on diverse subjects related to art, the history of art, history in general, philosophy, and political events, which are reflected in art.

I have taken part in over seventy art shows and festivals in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The next period of my life will be more focused on my profession as an artist. It is my duty, because it was always within me and will be there until the last moment of my life.

Ovidiu Lebejoara
Temtation of St. Anthony “This Award winning artist offers oil pieces that clearly show a mature artistic effort. Ranging in style from surrealist to realist, with elements from other modern schools evident, he shows clean, uncomplicated images that ring with nature sands. Using a distilled vision of reality in his “marine pieces he tells the viewer about the mother of life in simple terms-water, light, food, energy. Moving to a more realist and more vigorous palette, the first two pieces unabashedly project color and nature. The foreground in “Hills’ steps out, leaving the villous clouds hanging in the background. This artist forgoes the distraction of superfluous and melodramatic abstraction in a favor of a cohesive portrait that give the viewer a rest from a turbulent and noisy world/ While everyone may not appreciate the tones and clarity created here, this artist deserves an applaud of “well done”

David J. Webster

Stepping in Life

Fine art, including oil, water colors, guache, tempera, acrylic, ink, sepia, pastel, charcoal, collage, mixt media, instalatios, silscreen, work on glass, satained glass, monumental work like murals ‘al fresco, mosaic or  bass-relif, etc.


MA-Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York – Illustration
CT-Otis/Parsons Institute of Art and Design, Los Angeles, Ca – Graphic Design
Liceul de Arte Plastice N. Tonitza, BucurestiArtemis and Us


2013-Who is Who in American Art. Modern Painters Magazine, Aesthetica Magazine. Modern Painters Magazine, Art Tour Magazine – Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art,
2012-International Contemporary Masters V – World Wide Art Books Inc. – Santa Barbara
2012-Modern Masters art Book, Art Approach, Art in Focus – New York, Art In America Annual Guide, 2012 Exposure publication, 2012 Art Takes Square publication.
2012-Who is Who in American Art
2011-Who is Who in American Art
2011-International Dictionary of Artists
2011-Who is Who in American Art
2010-Creative Genius, Masters of Today, England
2010-Who is Who in American Art,
2009-Who is Who in American Art,
2008-Who is Who in American Art,
2007-Who is Who in American Art,
2006-Who is Who in American Art,
2005-Who is Who in American Art,
2004-Book Art Press, New Art International, New York
2004-Origini, Romanian Art and Culture Magazine
2003-Book Art Press, New Art International, New York, Clipa
2002-Virtual Art Solutions-Internet Gallery, Los Angeles
2000-Origini, (Roots) Romanian Art Magazine, Fine Art Award,
Book Art Press – New Art International.
Cetatea Culturala – Romanian Magazine
Who is Who in American Art
1999-Origini, (Roots) Romanian Art Magazine
1998-Who is Who in American Art,
Who is Who in the West
1997-Who is Who in American Art,
Who is Who in in the West,
Glendale News Press
Luceafarul Romanesc, Canada
1996-Romania Libera, Azi, Dreptatea, Fetele Culturii Gaudemus, Mondo Magazin, Cotidianul, Gazeta de Nord Vest
(all Romanian magazines),
Artist Spectrum Magazine – Press Release Aword, Directury of Illustrations, Work Book
Selected for Art Communications International – Internet,
Selected for Encyclopedia of Living Artists 10Th Editions
Who in Who in America
1995-Magazin International, Universul, Micro Magazin (all Romanian Magazines)
Art Speak,The Villager
Actualite Departamentale Sud Ovest – French Mazazine
1994-The 4th Annual California Art Magazine “Discovery Awards”
Selected for Encyclopedia of Living Artists 9th Edition – Art Network,
Magazine International, Romanian Magazine
1993-Selected for Encyclopedia of Living Artists 8th Edition – Art Network
Actualite Departamentale Sud Ovest – French Magazine,
Dario Las Ameicas – Spenish Magazine,
Cotidianul, Drepatea, Universul, Micromagazin (all Romanian Magazines)
3rd Annual Art of California Art Magazine “Discovery Avard” – Award of  Participation
1992-Selected for Encyclopedia of Living Artists 7th Edition – Art Network
Posada Impressions
1991-Visalia Star


Human Helplessnessmemberships

          From 2000-LiterArt, Romanian-American Art and Culture Association
1998-New World Art Center, New York
1997,1996, 1995, Graphic Artist Guild, New York
1995-Romanian-American Academy of Art and Science
1994-Romanian-American Academy of Art and Science
1993-Romanian-American Academy of Art and Science
1992-Knikerbucker Artists of New York
1991-United Pastelist of America, New York

Beauty's Nightmare exhibitions:

2013- Amstrerdam Whitney Gallery International, NewYork Dec 6 – 2013-Jan 25-2014
2013-See Me, New York
2013-See Me,The Story of Creative art Show – New York
2012-Galleria de Marchi, “Little Treasures” Paola Trevistan curator, October-November, Bologna, Italy
2012-Gora Gallery Montreal Canada – July – August
2012-International Contemporary Masters – The Southern Nevada Museum, Las Vegas March – June
2011-Artoteque Gallery, London England
2010-Artist Alley Gallery, San Francisco
2009-Artoteque Gallery, London England
2008-Exemplars Gallery, London, England
2007-NeoCon Chicago, June
2006-Romanian-American Academy of Art and Science, Los Angeles
2005-Infusion Gallery, Los Angeles, Febr
2004-World Art Collection, Holland and Korea June-July
2004-LA Mart Art Gallery, Los Angeles, July
2003-Limner Gallery, New York, October
2002-Limner Gallery, New York
2001-Seaside Gallery, N. Carolina, May
2001-Limner Gallery, New York, January
2001-World Fine Art Gallery
2001-Galerie Alexie, New York, February
2000-Second International Christian Show, Seaside Art Gallery, N. Carolina, April
2000-Book Art Press Showcase 2000 Fletcher Gallery Woodstock, New York,         March
1999-2000 THE MILLENNIUM ART COLLECTION, Essen, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Tokio, Johanesburg and Sydney, in the year 2000
1998-Open Call Exhibition of S. California Artists, City of Los Angeles, Cultural Affairs Department, June – July
1998-Forth Annual International Miniature Art Show, Seaside Art Gallery, N.Carolina May
1998-New World Art Center New York, January
1998-First International Biennial TREVI FLASH ART MUSEUM, Palazzo Lucarini Trevi, Perugia Italy, June
1997-“Absolute Chalk”, a Street Festival in Pasadena Ca, June
1997-New World Art Gallery, Soho New York, September
1997-“ART ADDICTION” International Art Gallery Stockholm Sweden March, AWARD OF MERIT
1997-City of Los Angeles, Cultural Affairs Department, Municipal Art Gallery, June – July
1996-Personal Show Organized by Romanian Minister of Culture, Bucharest, Romania, December
1996-Pasadena Art Space, City of Pasadena Cultural Division, Pasadena California, October
1996-Ucci Gallery, New York
1996-“ART ADDICTION” International Art Gallery Stockholm Sweden, Sept-Oct
1996-“CONTEMPORARY PORTRAITS” Barnsdall Art Center, Los Angeles, Municipal Art Gallery – The City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department June -Sept
1996-The ARTS AMERICAN, Atlanta, Georgia During the Weeks of the 1996 Olympic Games, July – August
1996-Abney Gallery, New York, May
1995-George Attal Arts Gallery October Austin Texas
1995-Abney Gallery, October
1995-20th Congress of the American – Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Reno, Nevada, August
1995-“Chalk on the Walk”, a street Festival in Pasadena, California, June
1995-San Bernardino Museum of Art, San Bernardino, California, May
1995- “AFFAIRE in The GARDEN”, City of Beverly Hills, California, May
1994-1995 Agora Gallery, Soho, New York
1994-Galerie Cathedrale, Los Angeles California, October-November
1994-“ROMFEST ’94, a Romanian Art, History and Science Festival, Downey, California
1994-Chalk it Up”, a Street Festival in Pasadena, California, June
1994-AMERICAN ELITE 1995 in FRANCE, April at CITY HALL PARIS, May Museum d’Art Moderne de la Commanderie d’Unet, Bordeaux France
1994-AfFFAIRE in The GARDEN”, City of Beverly Hills, California May
1993-The American Society of Interior Designers, Washington DC, on Capitol Hills
1993-The 18th Congress of The American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences and Academy of Science of Moldova, Chisineu, Republic of Moldova
1993-“Chalk On the Walk” a Street festival in Pasadena California, June
1993-“STATE of The ART ’93” The New England Fine Art Institute’s National       Invitational Exhibition of American contemporary Art, Boston
1993-2th Famboyance  Event, Modern Art Museum of Unet, October France
1993-3th Biennial of Aquitaine, Modern Art Museum of Unet, September, France
1993-1th Exhibition of Permanent Collection, Modern Art Museum of Unet, July, France
1993-13th Grand prix of AQUITAINE, Modern Art Museum of Unet June, France
1993-8th GRAND PRIX FINE ART de Paris, Salon de Colombier, CITIY HALL PARIS, May, France
1993- Chim Gregg Art Gallery, La Puente, June, California
1993-The Funding Center- Old Towne Alexandria, Virginia
1992-1993-Michael Stone Collection, Washington DC
1992-Barakat Gallery, Rodeo  Collection, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, May September – Nov
1992-The 17th Congress of the American Academy of Arts and Science, California State University, Norhtrtige
1992 Barakat Gallery – Rodeo Collection, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, May – Sept
1991-1992- Cedar Lily Gallery, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1991-VIA Festival Art Show, Visalia, California
1991-New York, Uppe – Nyack on Hudson, United Pastelist of America