Agentia de Turism ReTURo @ Club Electroputere Bucuresti
Un proiect artistic si curatorial de Aurelia Mihai
Artisti invitati: Gudrun Boisseau, Coate Goale, Dörte Eißfeld + Theo Janßen, Vlad Nanca
Vernisaj vineri, 12 iulie, orele 19:00
Club Electroputere Bucuresti
Biserica Enei nr.16
Dragi prieteni,
Club Electroputere Bucuresti anunta deschiderea expozitiei Agentia de Turism ReTURo, un proiect artistic si curatorial de Aurelia Mihai.
Prin modificarea spatiului expozitional relationat la o agentie de turism, se pun in scena o serie de exponate artistice care amintesc de marketingul turistic. Aurelia Mihai si inviatii ei in aceasta expozitie: Gudrun Boisseau, Coate Goale, Vlad Nanca, Dörte Eißfeld si Theo Janßen expun fotografii, texte, jurnale de calatorii, inregistrari de vacanta din Romania anilor 70, standuri de carti postale, lucrari video tematice si intamplari de calatorie transmise prin viu grai care extind si imbogatesc oferta turistica.
Agentia de Turism ReTURo este de asemeni un spatiu interactiv, in care personalul din sala de expozitie are un rol performativ. Asadar, ReTURo nu vinde, ci propune forme de calatorie personale si inedite. Turul e virtual, subiectiv si istoric in acelasi timp si tine de curajul fiecarui vizitator sa calatoreasca si sa relationeze.
Agentia de Turism ReTURo este parte a proiectului Turul Romaniei in 7 Zile initiat si produs de Club Electroputere in 2012.
Aurelia Mihai s-a nascut in București. Ea este artist, realizator de film și profesor la Universitatea de Arta din Braunschweig, Germania.
Lucrarile video ale Aureliei Mihai au primit numeroase premii si burse, printre care: bursa E STAR, Alfred din New York, bursa Villa Aurora din Los Angeles (2001), bursa EMARE Hull Time Based Arts, Marea Britanie (2004), bursa Academiei Germane Villa Massimo la Roma (2007) si bursa IASPIS, in Stockholm (2010). În 2002 a obtinut premiul Spiridon-Never-DuMont, iar în 2005 premiul Euregio, din Germania si Olanda.
A expus in diferite muzee, printe care: Kunsthalle Mainz, Martin Gropius Bau din Berlin, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Muzeul de Artă Chelsea din New York, Muzeul de Arta Cheekwood din Nashville, Centrul Georges Pompidou din Paris, Muzeul Cobra din Amstelveen, MNAC etc.
Partener Club Electroputere Bucuresti: Uniunea Artistilor Plastici
ReTURo” Tourism Agency
an artistic and curatorial project by Aurelia Mihai
Artists: Gudrun Boisseau, Coate Goale, Dörte Eißfeld + Theo Janßen, Vlad Nanca
Opening Friday, July 12, 7 pm
Club Electroputere Bucharest
16 Enei Street
Dear friends,
Club Electroputere Bucuresti opens the exhibition entitled „Agentia de Turism ReTURo” („ReTURo” Tourism Agency), an artistic and curatorial project by Aurelia Mihai.
A series of artistic presentations which reminds of touristic marketing are on display through the modification of the exhibition space related to a tourism agency. Aurelia Mihai and her guests to this event – Gudrun Boisseau, Coate Goale, Vlad Nanca, Dörte Eißfeld and Theo Janßen – bring photographs, texts, travelling diaries, videos recorded in the 70s, during various holidays in Romania, postcards’ stands, thematic video works and travelling facts reproduced through oral testimonies which extend and enrich the touristic offer.
„Agentia de Turism ReTURo” is also an interactive space where the personnel in the exhibition zone play a performative role. “ReTURo” doesn’t sell, but proposes personal and atypical travelling forms. The tour is virtual, subjective and historic at the same time and it’s up to each visitor to travel and communicate.
„Agentia de Turism ReTURo” is part of the project “A Tour of Romania in 7 Days” initiated and produced by Club Electroputere in 2012.
Aurelia Mihai was born in Bucharest. She is an artist, film producer and teacher at the Braunschweig University of Art, Germany. Her video works have been appreciated and awarded various prizes and scholarships, such as: E STAR, Alfred – New York, Villa Aurora – Los Angeles (2001), EMARE Hull Time Based Arts Great Britain (2004). In 2002, Aurelia Mihai received the Spiridon-Never-DuMont prize and in 2005 the Euregio Prize – Germany.
She had exhibitions in Martin Gropius Bau from Berlin, Chelsea Museum from New York, Georges Pompidou Centre from Paris, Kunsthalle Mainz and Cobra Museum from Amstelveen
Partner of Club Electroputere Bucharest: Uniunea Artistilor Plastici