“Tonuri de primavara” de Oana Pinzariu
Dragi prieteni si colegi,
Imi face mare placere sa va invit la vernisajul primei mele expozitii personale de pictura, intitulata “Tonuri de primavara”. Va astept sa petrecem impreuna o seara speciala, joi, 9 mai, incepand cu ora 19, la Readers Café, Bulevardul Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 56-60, Metropolis Center, Bucureşti.
Readers Café hosts the first painting exhibition of Oana Pinzariu, entitled “Spring Tones”, starting from 19:00, on Thursday, May 9th, 2013.
Oana Pinzariu is 37 years old and she lives in Bucharest. She studied economic sciences and she has many years of experience in business area. But what the economy, the paintings and the current job have in common? Actually, nothing! Everything started as a hobby and as a way to relax.
“Painting become part of my life one year and a half ago. First, as a child play, with my little son Vlad, and later, as a passion. Painting is relaxing me, it motivates me to learn something from every tone I use and gives me a lot of opportunities to express my personality”, says the artist on her blog, http://picturahobby.blogspot.ro.
The exhibition “Spring Tones” presents 47 works, which reveal the artist’s passion for flowers, spring and colors. Oana uses the colour as a universal language and her works give a real disconnection from the daily routine.
The exhibition “Spring Tones” will be held at Readers Café, Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd. 55-60, Metropolis Center, Bucharest, from May 9th to 8th June, from Monday to Saturday.