Zarnescu Gheorghe

Anul Nasterii: 1953zarnescu ghe zarnescu ghe 2 zarnescu ghe 3

Gheorghe Zarnescu

(n: 1953)

“ My name is Gheorghe Zarnescu and I was born in 1953. I am currently living and working in the city of Bacau, in Romania.
I graduated the Fine Arts Academy of Bucharest, Sculpture section, but I am also working with paintings and photographic art.
I believe that an artist should not limit himself to only one direction but to continuously explore, with various materials and means of expression.The series that I am presenting has started in 2005, in parallel with other directions, and it is based on changing, as idea and shape, traffic signals.These works were collected under the name “Subjective notices” and works in this series were exhibited in several personal exhibitions, such as in 2007 at “George Apostu” Cultural Centre in Bacau, in 2010 at the Art Museum of Timisoara and in 2011 at D’ancona Budis Gallery in Bucharest.”