Ciubotaru Andrei

Andrei Ciubotaru

Anul Nasterii:1977

(Born on 16 January 1977)

Member of The Fine Artists’ Union of Romania (from 2003)


2009    PhD, Visual Arts
2005 – 2009
PhD student, Visual Arts, The National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
2002 – 2003    Postgraduate studies, The National University of Arts, Bucharest
1998 – 2002    The University of Arts, Fine Arts Department, Painting Section, Bucharest; Prof. Florin Mitroi’s class
1995 – 1997    University of Alaska at Anchorage, U.S.A.
1994 – 1995    Steller Alternative School, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.
1990 – 1994    Hermann Oberth German High School, BucharestGroup exhibitions abroad
2005    “Trialogue” (land-art), Hundisburg Castle, Germany
2002    “Self-portraits” (installations), Belgrade, Yugoslavia
2000    Pâlnia “The Funnel” Group (installations), Chisinau, Moldavian Republic
1997    Art Gallery of Anchorage (engraving), Alaska, U.S.A.
1996    Campus Center Gallery (painting), Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.
1995    Art Gallery of Anchorage (drawing), Alaska, U.S.A.Solo exhibitions in the country

2010    “Recycle Frame” (object), Recycle Nest Gallery, Bucharest
“The Warrior” (object-installation), Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2009    “The Ark” (object-installation), Mogosoaia Palace, Mogosoaia
“The Ark” (object-installation), Calina Gallery, Timisoara
2007    “Tuning” (painting), Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest
2006    “My Contemporary” (object-installation), Apollo Gallery, Bucharest
2005    “Forms” (painting), Apollo Gallery, Bucharest
2004    “Man-target, the Target of Man” (painting), Prometheus Club, Bucharest
2003    Art Gallery of Bistriţa, Bistriţa-Năsăud County (painting)
2002    Frezia Gallery (painting and drawing), Dej
2001    Gala Gallery (painting), BucharestInterventions

2010    Man – Intervention in urban space, Otopeni, Romania
Replacing Lenin – Intervention in urban space, Bucharest, Romania
Saint George – Intervention in natural space, Naeni, Romania
Urban Plants – Intervention in urban space, Otopeni, Romania
Man in Chariot – Intervention in urban space, Kiseleff Park, Bucharest, RomaniaGroup exhibitions in the country

2005    “Prints” (performance), Pâlnia Group, Gallery of The National University of Arts, Bucharest
Hibrid “Hybrid” Group (8) (video-installation), Căminul Artei Gallery – Groundfloor, Bucharest
Hibrid Group (7) (video-installation), HT003 Gallery, Bucharest
“Versus” (installations), Pâlnia and Hibrid Groups, Apollo and Artis Galleries, Bucharest
2004    “Pâlnia under Construction” (performance), Pâlnia Group, Gallery of The National University of Arts, Bucharest
2003    Hibrid Group (2) (performance), Atelier 35 Gallery, Bucharest
Hibrid Group (1) (performance), Galeria Gallery, Bucharest
“Urban Quarantine” (performance), Lipscani Area, Bucharest
Art Gallery of Târgu Mureş (painting)
2002    Căminul Artei Gallery – 1st floor, Bucharest (painting)
“Pre-degree” (painting), Gallery of The University of Arts, Bucharest
“Accents and Prints” (painting and drawing), Apollo Gallery, Bucharest
2001    Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest (drawing)
“Seesaw” (performance), Toaca Contemporary Art Studio, Bucharest
Pâlnia Group (installations), Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest
2000    “Seven Knights of the Imaginary” (painting), Art Galleries of Târgu Jiu and Turnu Severin “Europe Day” (painting), Museum of Collections, Bucharest
“Self-portrait” (installations), Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest
1999    “Accents and Prints” (Painting), Apollo Gallery, Bucharest
“Bribe” (installations), Eforie Gallery, Bucharest
“Hommage to Van Gogh” (performance), Gallery of The University of Arts, Bucharest
“Pablo Picasso Anniversary” (performance), Gallery of the University of Arts, BucharestPrizes

2008    Stoica & Associates Lawyer Society Award
2006    Nominee for the best young artists, by The Fine Artists’ Union of Romania
Prize of excellence for young talents, granted by The National Union of Romanian Employers
2003    Prize for “Urban Quarantine,” granted by The Ministry of Culture (on the occasion of the Performing Places Festival organized by The British Council in Bucharest)

Travels abroad (for studies)

1998    Italy (Naples, Rome, Venice)
1997    U.S.A. (San Francisco, New York, Washington D.C.
Vocational camps (in the country)
2004    Cernavodă (sculpture)
2002    Hârşova, “Carsium” (sculpture)
Slănic Moldova (painting)
2000    Constanţa, “2000 Years of Christianity” (painting)
Brebu, Prahova County (painting)
Symposia and scholarships abroad
2008    “Universite Nomade, conference on art in public space, Aurillac, France
Diakopto Painting Symposium, Greece
2006    Valparaíso Foundation Scholarship, Mojácar, Spain
2005    “Trialogue” Symposium (land-art), Hundisburg Castle, GermanyProfessional records

2006 – 2007    Curator, Nit Gallery, Bucharest
2004 – present    Tutor, Master Chair (painting), The National University of Arts, Bucharest
2003    Hibrid Group (3), Docufiction (film)
1997    Mural painting restoration, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest
1994    Reservation (videofilm)
Works in private collections:
Romania, National Museum of Contemporary Art
Denmark, Queen Margrethe II’s residence
