Expozitia “Pictura romaneasca intre 1950-1990” – De trei ori DA!
Ce puteti vedea la Bibilioteca Nationala nu este o expozitie. Este un pansament analgezic. O vitamina de a carei carenta ne-am vaitat ani de zile. Un tarus batut in tarina de care ne putem sprijini, indeparta, raporta, masura distante si apropieri. Sunt 650 de lucrari care reprezinta dara de firimituri lasata in urma de arta plastica romaneasca pentru a nu uita de unde vine, pentru a regasi drumul catre casa. Este rezultatul unei munci nebunesti al carei credit il ia in cea mai mare masura presedinta ArtSociety Ruxandra Garofeanu dar care are mai mult sau mai putin in penumbra contributii, sustinere, incurajare si nu in ultima instanta truda a altor cateva zeci de persoane. Am fost la vernisaj si am plecat de acolo intoxicat de informatie vizuala. E greu sa incerci sa te imbuibi dintr-o data cu 40 de ani de creatie plastica intr-o panotare concentrata ca suflul invers al unei explozii. Acum mi-am revenit si ma pregatesc sa mai merg odata. (Mihai Constantin)
Expozitia este deschisa pentru vizitare miercuri-duminica.
Ruxandra Garofeanu intervievata de Alison Mutler de la AP. Iata si stirea publicata de agentia internationala:
Exhibit shows Romanian artists resisted regime
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — One painting shows a peasant crucified above a hole in the shape of Romania. Another of a man holding a book is painted in the style of Pablo Picasso.
Neither work would have been displayed in public during the communist era, when censorship was rife and art was used as a propaganda tool to glorify late dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. A new exhibit of some 650 paintings that opened this week at the National Library seeks to show how some artists subverted the regime, creating works that criticized communism or painting in styles like cubism that were out of favor.
“It’s late justice,” said Ruxandra Garofeanu, the curator of the exhibition, who worked for two years to assemble the works from 27 museums and 30 collections in Romania and abroad. “It shows there was resistance to the regime, not a violent resistance it’s true, but not everything was social realism.”
The exhibit, which will run until Dec. 2, shows some works being seen publicly in Romania for the first time. Previous exhibits of communist-era art focused on how artists paid sycophantic tribute to Ceausescu, showing him as a demigod or a revolutionary hero. This selection reveals how some painters refused to follow the slavish aesthetic of the time.
Escapism is a recurring theme. A man floats above the earth in one painting, while another dressed in white rides a horse on a beach, far from an industrial city seen in the background.
A key work depicts a beheaded Stalin relieving himself in the top hat of Winston Churchill. The enormous canvas in hues of gray and blue was painted by Ioan Dreptu over 22 years and first went on display in the Van-der-Heyt Museum in Wupperthal, Germany, in 1986, three years before the collapse of communism.
“What should be seen here is that during communism …. painters and artists resisted the socialist pressure and painted or created works according to their tastes and how their souls dictated to them,” said Vasile Dobre, who visited the exhibit.