Muzeul National Peles (SINAIA), Peles National Museum

Infiintat in: 1953; Orasul: SINAIA; Profil general: Arta


Adresa: Strada Pelesului numarul 2


Program: marti: 11:00 – 17:00, miercuri – duminica: 9:00 – 17:00; luni: inchis (vara); miercuri: 11:00 – 17:00, joi – duminica: 9:00 – 17:00; luni, marti: inchis (iarna)


Peles Castle was a summer royal residence, built at the end of the 19th century. Prince Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen began to build the castle in 1873, after the designs of the architect Wilhelm Doderer, of the German architecture school. The official inauguration took place in October 1883, but subsequently the castle was transformed and extended, between 1883 and 1914, under the guidance of the architect Karel Liman, who ended the German neo-Renaissance works. Pelisor Castle was built by Charles I between 1898 and 1901, designed by the Czech architect Karel Liman, inaugurated in 1902 as royal residence and decorated by Queen Mary in the Art Nouveau style.

European paintings; decorative art (faience and porcelain from the 18th century, French glassware, English and Russian silverware from the 18th – 9th centuries); European and Oriental weapons from the 15th – 19th centuries (about 4,000 pieces), stained-glass windows, Oriental carpets, tapestry work, orders and medals.

The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.

Despre cladire
Castelul Peles a fost resedinta regala de vara, construita la sfarsitul secolului XIX. Printul Carol de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen a inceput constructia castelului in 1873, dupa planurile arh. Wilhelm Doderer, apartinand scolii germane de arhitectura. Inaugurarea oficiala a avut loc in octombrie 1883, dar ulterior au avut loc transformari si extensii ale castelului, intre 1883 – 1914, sub indrumarea arh. Karel Liman, care a terminat lucrarile in stilul neo-renascentist german. Castelul “Pelisor”, construit de Carol I intre 1898 – 1901, arh. ceh Karel Liman, inaugurat in 1902 ca resedinta regala si decorat de regina Maria in stil “Art Nouveau”.

Mai multe fotografii, AICI: In vizita la Castelul Peles