Muzeul Municipal Ramnicu Sarat (RAMNICU SARAT), Ramnicu Sarat City Museum
Infiintat in: 1960; Orasul: RAMNICU SARAT; Profil general: Arta
Adresa: Strada Primaverii numarul 4
Program: marti – vineri: 9:00 – 16:00; sambata, duminica: 9:00 – 13:00; luni: inchis
The collections include works of fine arts: modern painting and sculpture (Boris Caragea, Ion Jalea, Cornel Medrea), ethnography: costumes from Buda and Bisoca, carpets, pottery; natural sciences items: flora and fauna from the region, exotic butterflies from the Indo-Malaysian isles and from China; Ramnic culture history items illustrating the activity of soprano Florica Cristoforeanu – lyrical singer, Gheorghe Munteanu-Murgoci – a geologist and pedologist scholar; Traian Savulescu – a biologist scholar; Petre Iorgulescu-Yor and Stefan Popescu – painters.
The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.