Muzeul de Arta (ROMAN), Art Museum

Infiintat in: 1957; Orasul: ROMAN; Profil general: Arta

 Adresa: Strada Mihai Eminescu numarul 3

Program: 10:00 – 18:00 (vara); 9:00 – 17:00 (iarna); luni, marti: inchis

Until 1970, the collections were housed in the building of the History Museum, 33 Cuza Voda Street. The present museum building is a monument of architecture, in Neoclassical style. It was built at the end of the 19th century and functioned as home, offices, public notary office etc. Currently the exhibits include works of art signed by Oscar Han, Nicu Enea, Stefan Hatnag, A. Nedel, Theodor Pallady, Nicolae Tonitza, Nicolae Darascu, Stefan Dimitrescu, Camil Ressu, Iosif Iser, Lucian Grigorescu, Stefan Constantinescu, Alexandru Ciucurencu, and others.

Despre cladire

Cladirea actuala a muzeului este monument de arhitectura, in stil neoclasic. A fost construita la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea si a avut mai multe functionalitati: casa de locuit, birouri de institutii, notariat de stat.