Ansamblul Palatului Brancovenesc (POTLOGI), Brancovan Palace Museum
Infiintat in: 1971; Orasul: POTLOGI; Profil general: Arta
Program: inchis pentru restaurare
The Palace in Brancovan style was erected by the Prince Constantine Brancovan between 1698 and 1699 for his son Constantine, on the ruins of a boyar court. The facade looking towards a small lake has a double loggia. On the opposite side, towards the inner courtyard, the composition is dominated by the balcony with interior staircase, similar to that of the Palace in Mogosoaia. The decoration of the palace consists of floral motifs of Persian origin. At Potlogi, those are made up of stucco. Inside the fortified precinct of the palace there is a church dedicated to Saint Demetrius (1683).