O lunga poveste cu multe noduri
14.12.2011 – 31.01.2012
Vernisaj/Opening: 12.12, 19h30
Conferinta / Conference: 14.12, 18h00
René Block – To multiply is human – the Fluxus boxes of George Maciunas and other multiples
Curatori/Curators: René Block, Gabriele Knapstein
Joseph Beuys – Das Schweigen, 1973, photo: Frank Kleinbach
Artisti/Artists: Nam June Paik, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Henning Christiansen, Robert Filliou, Ben Patterson, Daniel Spoerri, Wolf Vostell, Dieter Roth, Milan Knizak, Endre Tót, Dick Higgins, Emmett Williams, Joe Jones, Ben Vautier, Gerhard Rühm, Geoffrey Hendricks, Takako Saito, George Maciunas, Al Hansen, Tomas Schmit, Arthur Köpcke, Ludwig Gosewitz, Alison Knowles, Robert Rehfeldt, Ute Klophaus, Emmett Williams, John Hunov, John Cage, Armin Hundertmark, Manfred Leve, Ben Vautier, S. D. Sauerbier, Jean-Jacques Lebel
Expozitia, realizata de IFA (Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart), cu sprijinul Ambasadei Germaniei la Bucuresti si Goethe Institut, este una dintre cele mai ample expozitii dedicate activitatilor in Germania ale gruparii FLUXUS, considerata una dintre cele mai radicale si experimentale manifestari artistice, inca din anii 60. Cu originile in muzica experimentala a lui John Cage si denumita FLUXUS de catre artistul Geoges Maciunas – principalul coordonator – miscarea s-a constituit pe de-o parte intr-o comunitate globala de artisti, muzicieni, poeti, etc, iar pe de alta parte intr-o suita de evenimente artistice pentru descrierea carora Dick Higgins creaza termenul de “intermedia”. Concepte ca anti-arta, anti-poezie, anti-muzica, anti-literatura, anti-comercialism au facut ca FLUXUS sa fie asemanata deseori cu miscarea Dada.
” FLUXUS este mai intai de toate o retea multi-dimensionala de intalniri, performance-uri, idei si obiective, extinsa pe o lunga perioada de timp, in multe tari. FLUXUS este un fenomen de amploare, sau, in traducere libera dupa Lewis Caroll, o poveste lunga cu multe noduri” (René Block).
Expozitia prezinta lucrari ale membrilor FLUXUS: obiecte, desene, specificii “martori” ai intalnirilor FLUXUS – care alaturi de cutii si evenimente muzicale constituie cele mai practicate forme de manifestare FLUXUS – instalatii, publicatii, si de asemenea inregistrari ale celor mai importante concerte FLUXUS din Germania. Pe langa tiparituri si fotografii, in cadrul expozitiei sunt prezentate materiale video si audio mai putin cunoscute, si o serie de piese de teatru radio produse la Köln pentru Radiodifuziunea Germaniei de Vest (WDR).
O conferinta a curatorului René Block va avea loc la MNAC, miercuri 14.12.2011 la ora 18h00, in sala Auditoriu.
The exhibition, organized by IFA (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart), with the support of the German Embassy in Bucharest and Goethe Institut, is one of the largest exhibitions of the FLUXUS activities in Germany. The movement is considered to be, since it’s founding in the early 60s, one of the most radically experimental ones. The origins of Fluxus, named by movement leader and main organizer Georges Maciunas, lay in the experimental music of John Cage. Fluxus developed as a global community of artists, musicians, poets, on the one hand, and as a series of artistic events, on the other, for the description of which Dick Higgins created the term “intermedia”. Concepts such as anti-art, anti-music, anti-poetry, anti-literature, anti-commercialism, lead to many associations of Fluxus with the Dada movement.
“FLUXUS – first and foremost it’s a many-dimensional web of encounters, performances, ideas and objects that has extended over a long period of time in many countries. FLUXUS – it’s a field phenomenon or, freely after Lewis Carroll, a long tale with many knots.” (René Block).
The exhibition presents works of the FLUXUS artists, such as drawings, objects, event scores (which, together with the boxes and music events are the most common FLUXUS art forms), installations, printed materials, as well as documents of the most relevant FLUXUS concerts in Germany. Alongside published materials and photography are exhibited rare videos and audio records, and a series of radio plays produced in Cologne for the WDR.
A conference of curator René Block will be held in the MNAC Auditorium, on 14th of December at 18h00.
Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
intrarea prin / entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37 / fax: +40 21 318 91 38, www.mnac.ro
Miercuri / Wednesday – duminica / Sunday 10h-18h